What Am I like?
Recreational Stuff

Group Fitness
I've been a group fitness instructor now for 11 years.
Even though I included this in the 'employment'
section of my resume - I do get paid to do it! - It's far more appropriate
that I include it also as an interest. Like everything else in my life,
I do it because I love it.
Running Biking Swimming
I like all three.. and sometimes I put them all together
and do a standard course triathalon - mainly to be able to explain why
it is I do all that running in the hills - but if you've run out to Godley
Head the high way, you'll know it needs no explanation!
I'm not real good at it, but I really like it. You gotta
do some things you're not automatically good at right?
Just spending time at home with
some great electronica and a book is enough to sustain me. And I
like cooking! |
The Usual Suspects
Instead of just listing 'reading, films, computers..'
I thought it might be much more interesting to tell you what I
read/watch etc..
"Under the Skin" by Michael Faber, "Vernon God Little"
by DBC Pierre, "The Vintners Luck" by Elisabeth Knox,
"Oscar and Lucinda" by Peter Carey, "The Sparrow" by Mary Doria Russell...
"Donnie Darko", "Run Lola Run" "Impromptu", "Lone
Star", "Dancing in the Dark", "Romeo+Juliet", "Memento", "The
Fight Club" and yes, okay, "A Room With a View"
Lots of stuff.. I don't think 1000 songs in ones MP3 player is excessive
at all.. I definitely can't decide in the morning what mood, of the thousand
options, I might be in that afternoon. Of course I listen to rdu,
active and bfm
In lieu of watching the ubiquitous television, I no doubt spend more than
the average number of hours online. What I do in all that time escapes
me, but it has to be more constructive than watching the 'drug of the
nation', right? I take pride in writing full and interesting emails to
my friends. I just don't do it often enough.
I like writing websites too..
..and playing with consumer electronics..
If there's more you'd like to know about me, do do do
contact me anytime