Even without moving far from home.. I experience so much!
The thing about going away indefinitely is that, well for the first two weeks or so, I just feel like I'm on holiday. It's only now that I'm beginnning to feel that uneasiness that one feels on the brink of the cliff before one of those jumps into the unknown. Obviously Dunedin, or Central Otago for that matter, are not "unknown" for me.. but whatever follows these places is going to be. In the meantime, I'm just "on holiday"
The last few days have been wonderful, and rather eventful!
The weather improved in Dunedin so I got out and about, running and biking and generally absorbing the wonderful atmosphere in this town I love so much. There is a movement and growth here due to the presence of the University of Otago and there's a general anxiety right now because it's right in the middle of exam time! There's nothin' like a bit of nervous tension!
Friday night was one I'll not forget in a hurry. It was to be a quiet evening with old school (well, Kindergarten in Tim's case) friends Tim and Roger. But things started to veer in an unexpected direction when Tim offered to explain to me the difference between (he's such an expert you see) a variety of different beers. After a number of these (I'm sure after a while they were all the same one) Hamish and Doug arrived and as they were drinking other things I decided to try them too.
Well, we've all heard more drinking stories than we ever need. So all that needs to be said is that I can tell one too and it seems that the main effect that alcohol has on me is that I laugh uncontrollably and that I don't get hangovers.. but I did wake the next morning on the floor in Hamish's living room..
Thanks julia for the hangover-prevention advice delivered from a London phone box! You are an angel-monna! To Hamish for taking care of me and to Tim, of course, for your tutelage.
Saturday saw me and Hamish all packed up in the 'cruiser and off to Hampden.
There are plenty more boulders where these come from, but when The Saxton's go walking in the beach, it's the agate that captures their imagination...
Hamish's parents' farm in Hampden is wonderful. We had the best time, walking to the trig station, strolling on the beach, eating the greatest food (smoked mushrooms for me and smoked fish for everyone else.. fancy being vegetarian on a farm.. just as well for the landcruiser and my capacity to weild a shovel) and best of all having the best 'fun-and-challenge' conversations.
Would you believe me if I told you that I hand-fed these babies? Well I did, and I can even tell them apart! Lamb 1, Lamb 2 and Lamb 3 all have very distinctive personalities. And I also learned that there's a lot more financial gain from lamb meat than wool, which is essentially a by-product at the moment... enough information I think.
This week, I'm definitely departing for Central. Just a few people to catch up with and a few jobs to do and I'm away.. getting excited already. Is this life great or what?