During my last holiday break I made the unusual move of leaving my beloved town and travelling, first to Nelson, then to Wellington. The Nelson component was to attend a conference on the teaching of English, but Wellington was simply for pleasure. I stayed with my brother Hayden and his wife Carina and their kids Annika and Jan. I enjoyed being in their nice Ngaio house immensely. I discovered Maysie and Tallulah and the importance of taking snacks to the supermarket when you have toddlers in tow… We saw both my excellent Wellington Aunts and I kept coming up with pretexts to use the train to get places.
I also met a man – Gavin – I’d been talking to online. It was already exciting enough to be talking online with someone who I liked with whom I at least share a country of residence, but it was even more exciting to meet him in person. Far too little of that happens. Spending time with a man I like, well, how about that? Going for a swim, a coffee, looking at a view, clambering over a monument and pausing to stare and remembering to breathe are all activities I’ve discovered somehow seem more rich and fun when there’s a guy you like there with you. Being happy on ones own is one thing, but this, well, this is something else…