The term comes to an end

Dec 10, 2005Life Journal0 comments

There’s been a bit of dead air over the last couple of months. It’s a school thing. No matter how well-planned one is (and this one does not name planning as one of his strengths), things always accelerate towards the end of the school year. NCEA Examinations are finished; Prize-giving is over; Final assessments are completed; Reports are written – and of course it’s only at that point in the year, when everyone is exhausted, that it’s time to go on school camp.

‘Year 10’ was the camp I was assigned to. Christchurch was the destination (We’re a rural school you’ll recall) so 8 teachers and 80 students packed ourselves into a bus and two pilot-vehicle mini-vans for the 7 hour trip to the Big Smoke. Having lived in Christchurch for 12 years, the idea of holding a school camp in the place was nothing short of surreal. We visited the Prison, Les Mills Gym, The Police Station, The Mall, The Pool, The Zoo, The Courts, The Cinema, The Theatre… and the kids were awesome throughout the time. Bagley and I took charge of a mini-van and took the city by storm. The most fun was had during a couple of un-official side-trips, as is always the way.

Interestingly, I also bumped into my ex-partner Stephen on the street too. It was about time. It’s been some years since we were in contact with each other.

Yesterday I arrived home. I suspect my lovely car has a blown head gasket (no amount of car cleaning will prevent that one!)… and as a repetition of another story from my past, I think I’ll get my cycles back on the road before I get the car fixed. It’s summer, I don’t have a real deadline to meet until 3 February. I’ve got a few projects in mind…

The school year has been awesome, I’ve been promoted to Head of Deaprtment of English and I’ve enjoyed working in this vibrant school tremendously, but I definitely feel in need of the holiday. Goodness me yes.