The Longest Day

Dec 22, 2005Life Journal2 comments

When you’re running over Mt Iron and you strike the view (I run from the back to front to ensure that experience), and it almost brings you to tears, and it’s 9:40pm – you know it’s close to the longest day. After my well-documented ankle sprain, I have finally returned to regular exercise. It’s amazing how not having something makes you appreciate it so much more. I know we all know this. But when the thing that you’re missing is something that you’d been resisting previously, the cliché really comes alive.

All year I’d been exercising sporadically. I wasn’t avoiding it, I was just having trouble getting into a rythym. Since recovering from the sprain; not only have I rediscovered my love of swimming, but I’m simply having no trouble motivating myself to get out there. I’m sure the fact that it’s summer helps, but the weather is always conducive to exercise here. I’m now running cycling and swimming and it’s all great fun. I already appreciated this great place that I live, but getting out and being in amongst it all is really what it’s all about. I must admit I really enjoy how infrequently I encounter anyone else on these expeditions.

A plan I’m going to enact soon is to walk around my favourite running routes with a camera so I can try to capture what I’m talking about. Watch this space..

What are you doing for Christmas? Being a non-drinking, non-christian, non-present-giving vegetarian.. I tend to find the day rather unappealing. Mum and her husband Roy are up here, so I’ll certainly spend some time with them, but, you know, I think it might be a really good day to go for a run.