It’s Spring!

Sep 27, 2006Life Journal0 comments

MY beloved Landcruiser, Heath.Yeah, not only is it spring, but Heath’s looking dirty, so that means I really must have been occupied over the last few weeks. And I have.
School’s been wonderful though. The students all had exams (which meant untold marking for my colleagues and myself – no-one mentions how many holidays I get through that week without a severe tongue lashing (even more severe than usual) – English teachers have an unenviable job as markers) and then my wonderful group of Year 13 Drama students put on a highly entertaining rendition of “The Importance of Being Earnest” by Oscar Wilde. The work they had to put into that production took them well beyond the call of duty and the results were wonderful.
The departure of the Year 13 students at the end of the year (only five school weeks now) is always a time of sadness for me. I feel I’ve had a role of some significance in their lives, and they most certainly have in mine, and then it just ends. Forever in most cases. That’s something I doubt I’ll ever get used to.
Training’s going well. In fact I’ve even published my training diary online for anyone who might be secretly reading my blog who live in the area and think they want to synchronise their training schedule with mine. It’s published here in case you’re interested. (Advice is always welcome!)
How is your world?