Define yourself

Oct 23, 2005Life Journal1 comment

A guy who I have never met, but whose blog I read religiously, recently included in his a series of lists that I found curious enough to decide to respond to his suggestion that visitors to his site do the same. So, here I go:

Ten defining songs:

“Closer to Fine” by the Indigo Girls
“How Soon is Now” by the Smiths
“Circumspect Penelope” by Look Blue Go Purple
“Straight Lines” by Suzanne Vega
“Hold Me Now” by the Thompson Twins
“For the Love of Big Brother” by the Eurythmics
“Air of December” by Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians
“Southern Man” by the Puddle
“Love Your Ways” by Salmonella Dub
“Halcyon on and on” by Orbital

Ten current songs
(I guess I have to be honest and pull these directly from iTunes)
“Reptile Room” by Pitch Black
“Not Many” by Scribe (It sounds sweet on my newly installed car audio)
“All I Need” Air
“Tinseltown in the Rain” by The Blue Nile
“Avalon” by Bryan Ferry
“Where are You” by the Nomad
“Gascrankinstation” by the Headless Chickens
“Eden” by Talk Talk
“Useless” by Depche Mode (Kruder and Dorfmeister remix)
“Buoy” by David Sylvian

7 Things I want to do before I die:
Jump jibe a Sailboard.
Buy a small bach to live in.
Dance with my partner at my own ‘wedding’.
Own a two-man catamaran and sail it often.
Run a school
Write a book
Get over my hang-ups

7 Things I can (and do) do:
Run a half-marathon in 1:25
Cook a souffle
Shoot a rabbit
Choreograph aerobics classes
Write raw HTML
Re-pack a wheel bearing
Cut my own hair

7 Things I cannot do:
Play a musical instrument
Remain angry
Mince convincingly
Tie a bowline
Wear yellow

7 Things that attract me to guys:
Faraway Eyes

7 Things I say most often:
“Hello You”
“What do you mean by that?”
“You saved me, again”
“I’m sorry I’m late, I’ve got a great excuse this time…”
“I hate the phone”
“You’re beautiful”
“No way!”

7 Celebrity crushes:
Tom Bailey (of the Thompson Twins)
Martin Csokas (when he was the presenter of “TVFM”)
Rupert Graves (Freddy in “A Room With A View”)
James Marshall (James in “Twin Peaks”)
… I’ll have to finish this when I can think of some more.

If you’ve got a journal and some spare time, have a go at this exercise. I found it mighty interesting.