Slow movement

I like things to go slowly. If I let things go at their own natural pace, it turns out that slow is almost always the speed they go.I’ve been thinking about adding more of the photos I have from before I started this website about 5 years ago. Most of them are...


Okay, so not having a TV does have its drawbacks. Sometimes, when you live on your own and you’re doing your ironing or cooking a meal and National Radio is playing music from the ’50s again, you just feel the need to listen to or watch something. I would...

A Day In The Life.

7:25am: The alarm goes off… and continues to do so 6 more times at 5 minute intervals before my feet hit the ground.8:17am: I exit the shower, turn on the kettle and National Radio and eat 4 weetbix.8:31am: Drive (I know! But I love my car) to school.8:40am: Get...