A New New Year

Jan 1, 2008Life Journal0 comments

Wanaka Solitude

It’s become my New Year tradition to write a list of happenings from the year past, so here comes another one.


In 2007, I:


  • Ate meat for the first time in 20 years
  • Sold my beloved Landcruiser and bought a fast car
  • Fell unexpectedly in love
  • Bought a house, and fell in love with that too
  • Went tramping with an old teacher of mine and 16 boys
  • Planted my first vegetable garden
  • Learned the Foxtrot
  • Actually competed in (rather than just trained for) some triathlon and multisport events
  • Rode on a Wellington commuter train
  • Met a long-time internet friend for the first time
  • Bought a road bike and rode in a bunch
  • Liked myself, at least some of the time
  • Modeled an electric blue bespoke suit made entirely of Molenberg bread bags
  • Said goodbye to another group of students who I will miss dearly
  • Swam the length of Lake Wanaka in a relay with 7 others
  • Ran up Mt Roy