A Day In The Life.

Jul 2, 2005Life Journal0 comments

7:25am: The alarm goes off… and continues to do so 6 more times at 5 minute intervals before my feet hit the ground.
8:17am: I exit the shower, turn on the kettle and National Radio and eat 4 weetbix.
8:31am: Drive (I know! But I love my car) to school.
8:40am: Get greeted by 8WT, a class of 12 Year olds who have organised a party to celebrate the last period of my teaching them grammar. We play charades and have a ‘dance-off’ to “Car Wash”. Obligatory speech.
9:30am: Training for the Roy House Theatresports team. Set up PA in the gym.
10:15am: Whole school assembles in the gym for Inter-House Theatresports competition. I’m the MC.
10:45am: Cup of tea
11:05am: Visual Language analysis with Year 12 English.
11:55am: Teach Aerobics to a year 11 PE class.
12:45pm: Duck out to Soul Food with Carol for a recharge.
1:30pm: Drama with the seniors. View the video journals, directions on the next assessment, performance for the year 8 class then group devising work.
3:20pm: Debrief with Bagley.
3:30pm Take-away coffee (and select a DVD) and it’s off to the Lake’s edge for a quiet moment to watch the sun set.
5:30pm Home to cook dinner (feta olive pasta) and watch the film (Father and Son – real good).
11:30pm Post a journal.