I can walk

In fact my limp is so minimal now that I’m convinced it looks like those kinds of limps that people who can’t be bothered walking faster affect during tramping expeditions. The kind that occasionally, inadvertently, changes leg. I’m still seeing the...

I sprained my ankle

Well, a couple of days ago I sprained my ankle. So badly that I still am unable to put any pressure on it. It’s not broken, I’ve had an x-ray, but it’s been the most painful experience so far this life. The first night was agony in bed where the...

Brokeback Mountain

A story by E Annie Proulx. Directed by Ang Lee. Starring Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal. I think I want to see this film almost as much as I want to see Fifty Ways of saying Fabulous which is even set in Central Otago.I’m excited!