I succumbed..

The most interesting thing is now that they’ve called me a genius and compared me to Plato, they go on to offer me a 15 page report on how brilliant I am for the small one-off price of US$14.95.How stupid do they think I am?


Now I am proud to be a New Zealander. I just don’t have much of an affinity with the culture surrounding our so-called National Game, Rugby. Ah, hell, actually I can’t stand it. I get so bored with the narrow definition of masculinity that the whole...


Tomorrow is Thursday. On a Thursday night every week at 5:30pm for many years I used to teach my favourite all-time-ever aerobics class. BODYATTACK. That class was so much a part of me that it must have, at some point, become cellular. Because even now, more than six...

The passing of an epoch.

Poppy is sold.Stephen and I bought Poppy together in 1994. (Remember the night I got the new car audio Julia? We drove as fast as we could on the motorway out of Christchurch. You in your pajamas.. Both of us singing out loud and laughing with love at it all. We...


There’s a 19 note carillon (bell-tower) in Napier that is controlled by a computer scientist in Christchurch – and he’s loaded it up to play New Zealand music. They ring every day in Napier’s Clive Square. How cool is that?