Wednesday, 23 September; 22:13pm: My has a new format and a new front page...
"If you were a black woman people would describe you as a "STRONG black woman, mmmmm hmmmmm, yes Sir" and you'd wear large hats and sit in the front pew at church." A. Barron.
Friday 21 July 2006
A whole new gallery is started and every photo's inspired by our awesome winter snow.
Wednesday 10 May 2006
Some new photos from a number of sources. You get to see Bagley on the loo in her wedding dress.
Wednesday 4 January 2006
Two whole new galleries of photos from my past - for the nostalgic amongst you.
There are new photos in the new galleries and, in an effort to keep the sequence somewhat chronogical, there are new 'old' photos in the old galleries too...

Check out the new online journal - it now has the facility for you to respond to what I write.
The old journal is also still here. Look at it anytime

thought I might be a good boy and stick some of my teaching resources
online for any colleagues who might want to grab them.
haven't actually done anything about this yet... |
online resume is always a bit suspect to an employer... I really
just maintain it here as an item of interest.
If you're
bored, feel free to flick through. |
me via the net has often been found to be the most reliable means.
Currently, as I have not quite figured out the idosyncracies of
my new server, the old snazzy "send me a text" options
are disabled.. but never fear: they will return.
